I was asked to create an illustration to be used as a tshirt graphic for a certain fabulous persons birthday, that just so happened to coincide with the amazing astrological event that happened April 8th, 2024- oh you know, just a birthday on the solar eclipse!

I was stoked for the opportunity to work on this project, and after going back and forth with a few font design ideas, we settled on using a photo of the birthday boy and turning that in to an illustration, cleverly incorporating the sun in to the design. The shirt was printed up by a local company by the hostess of the party, and handed out to the party attendees (and uhhh YEAH me too!).


Birthday / Eclipse

Used Papi Illustrator once again to design this little gem, loved this side profile photo, and just did a super simple illustration – tried to nail all the little details of the face with simple strokes. Two color, Black and Pantone 393U for that yellow in the sun, printed on grey BELLA+CANVAS® shirts.


Though it was pretty cloudy for us here in Western NY, as the moon blocked out the sun, it was like the shadows of Mordor coming down- slowly engulfing us in this eerie darkness. Then, like Harry ferkin Potter dispelling the Dementors from the skies, starting from the horizon and moving upward, the daylight slowly spread. POOF, *Expecto Patronum* everything was back to the way it was.

It was spooky and wild, but pretty amazing to witness. With our eclipse-themed birthday shirts in tow, we celebrated both a great human, as well as the joy of shared experiences.

“Live now; Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.”

Jean-Luc Picard, “Inner Light”



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